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BASF's new concept of circular economy

Company News > BASF's new concept of circular economy

· Scientists propose solutions at a digital research press conference

· BASF launches ambitious circular economy plan


The goal of a circular economy is usually to avoid waste, reuse products and recycle resources. "Companies that can provide solutions for the transition to a circular economy will have a crucial competitive advantage." Dr. Martin Brudermüller, Chairman of the Executive Board and Chief Technology Officer of BASF, said when talking about the circular economy, a key social and political issue in the future. Therefore, BASF launched a new circular economy plan. By 2030, the company's goal is to double the sales generated by circular economy solutions to 17 billion euros. In order to achieve this goal, the company is focusing on three areas of action: recycled raw materials, new material recycling and new business models. By 2025, BASF's goal is to process 250,000 tons of renewable raw materials and waste raw materials each year to replace fossil raw materials. "The road to a circular economy requires us to make great efforts. But we have met this challenge with commitment and creativity, and we can build on the power of innovation," said Dr. Brudermüller. The chairman of the executive board and scientists introduced examples of BASF research at the first digital research press conference.

Battery recycling: closing the cycle of electric vehicles

According to experts, by 2030, more than 1.5 million tons of electric vehicle batteries will need to be processed. In addition, there are production wastes of batteries and cathode active materials and their precursors. These waste materials contain valuable resources such as lithium, cobalt and nickel. Through battery recycling, these raw materials can be recycled and reprocessed. In order to recycle lithium-ion batteries, they must first be disassembled and crushed to produce a substance called "black matter". Various chemical processes can be used to recover raw materials from the substantia nigra. Compared with mining from natural mineral deposits, the carbon footprint of battery metals is reduced by at least 25%.

However, until now, this process is very energy intensive and produces a large amount of salt that needs to be processed. In addition, the output of raw materials is still too low. BASF is developing a new and efficient chemical process with many advantages. It can recover high-purity lithium from the battery with high yield, it can prevent waste, and it can further reduce the carbon footprint compared with existing processes.

In this way, BASF supports the European Commission’s goal of establishing a sustainable European battery value chain. BASF's recycling process can play an important role in the establishment of a European battery recycling economy.

Additives to improve plastic recycling rate

The same is true for plastics, and BASF researchers are studying how to more effectively close the material cycle. According to a study by the consulting company Conversio, about 250 million tons of plastic waste is generated globally every year. Only about 20% of these plastics are recycled, thus maintaining material recycling. In mechanical recycling, waste plastics are crushed and melted to make recycled materials, which are then used to make new products. However, this material is not suitable for many applications without further processing. One of the reasons is that repeated use and processing often destroy the polymer chain, so that the plastic becomes brittle or yellow. Another reason is that plastic waste is usually mixed with different types of plastic and cannot be separated from each other. For example, beverage bottles are made of PET, while bottle caps are usually made of PP. This incompatible plastic mixture has a great negative impact on quality.

BASF researchers solve these problems by developing various plastic composite additives, specifically stabilizing and improving the quality of recycled materials. Solutions such as compatibilizers will enhance the mechanical properties of the polymer mixture. In this way, it is possible to upgrade machinery to recycle plastics and products made from them in the plastics cycle.

Plastic waste becomes a new raw material for the chemical industry

Every year, 200 million tons of plastic waste cannot be recycled worldwide. An important supplement to mechanical recycling is chemical recycling, which uses different methods to create a circular economy for plastics. Chemical recycling converts plastic waste into secondary raw materials, for example, through a thermochemical process called pyrolysis. The output of this process is pyrolysis oil, which can be used by the chemical industry to make new products. The advantage of this method is that it can also recycle mixed and unclean plastic waste streams. In addition, products made from pyrolysis oil are not much different from traditional products, so they can be used even in the most demanding applications. This means that for the first time in history, this plastic waste can be used to make car parts, medical equipment and even food packaging.

In order to advance this promising technology, BASF launched its ChemCyclingTM project in 2018. BASF researchers are working with partners to further develop and improve the process of producing pyrolysis oil from mixed plastic waste. The development of suitable catalysts for new process technologies is an important aspect in this regard. These catalysts are designed to ensure that even if the composition of plastic waste changes, high-purity pyrolysis oil can always be produced. The pyrolysis plant of BASF's Norwegian partner Quantafuel has integrated the first-generation catalyst. In order to carry out this development work, the scientists of the two companies used the expertise and high-throughput testing laboratory of BASF's subsidiary in Heidelberg, Germany, and the computing power of BASF's supercomputer.

Rambutan Project: Organic raw materials, sustainable sources

Renewable raw materials are another pillar of BASF's circular economy plan. BASF plans to further increase the amount of renewable raw materials from sustainable sources in its production. An example is the Rambutan Project, which obtains high-quality cosmetic active ingredients from plant parts that have not been used before. For customers in the cosmetics industry, BASF researchers are always looking for interesting active ingredients in nature, such as bark, leaves, roots, seeds and fruits. They study thousands of samples every year. This is how they realized the substance contained in the rambutan tree (a close relative of the lychee tree). BASF researchers discovered that a water extract extracted from tree leaves can activate various skin genes in the human body and promote collagen production. In addition, the active ingredients from the peel and seeds also have a positive effect, as they help increase skin moisture and activate hair roots. Therefore, BASF has found a way to use not only the juicy fruits, but also the peel, leaves and seeds to ensure that no part of the plant is wasted.

In order to sustainably obtain cosmetic ingredients through the Rambutan Program, BASF has established a socially and environmentally responsible supply chain with local partners in Vietnam, and launched two organically certified rambutan gardens in Vietnam. The first batch of cultivation work. The program enables workers to earn above-average income, while also providing medical insurance and safer working conditions. This means that this super fruit not only brings benefits to consumers, but also benefits to workers and the local environment.

* content:
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Your personal data will be sorted out/erased according to the following: Functional cookies will be erased when the web browser is closed. Preference cookies will be erased after 100 days. Analytic cookies will be erased after two years.

10. What rights do I have?

Right to access to your personal data  You are entitled to request information about which personal data we process about you and how the personal data is being processed. You also have the right to request a copy of the personal data we process about you. Right to rectification If you consider your personal data that process to be inaccurate, e.g. information concerning your name or address, you have the right to get the inaccurate information corrected and to get the incomplete information completed by providing us with the correct information. Right to erasure You have the right to request that your personal data is erased, e.g. if the processing is no longer relevant in relation to the purpose the information was collected for or if you recall your consent to the processing and there are no other legal ground for the process. Right to limitation of processing You have the right to request limitation of the processing of your personal data, with the exception for storage. Limitation of processing can be requested for example if you object to the accuracy of the personal data or if you consider the processing of your personal data to be unlawful. Right to objection   You have the right to object at any time concerning the processing of your personal data in accordance with article 6.1 (e) or (f) (legitimate interest) GDPR, including profiling based on those provisions. Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.  Right to data portability  You have the right to obtain the personal data you have provided us with in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have these transmitted to another controller, provided that the process is automatized and that the process is based on a consent or an agreement.  

11. EU General Data Protection Regulation and UK Data Protection Laws - Legal Basis

The EU GDPR and UK data protection laws require a legal basis for our use of personal information. Our basis varies depending on the specific purpose for which we use personal information. We use:

Performance of a contract when we provide you with products or services, or communicate with you about them. This includes when we use your personal information to take and handle orders, deliver products and services, and process payments.

Our legitimate business interests and the interests of our customers when we improve services (including when we use your voice, video, or camera input to improve services), when we detect and prevent fraud and abuse in order to protect the security of our customers, ourselves, or others, and when we provide you with interest-based advertising.

Your consent when we ask for your consent to process your personal information for a specific purpose that we communicate to you. When you consent to our processing your personal information for a specified purpose, you may withdraw your consent at any time and we will stop processing of your data for that purpose.

Compliance with a legal obligation when we use your personal information to comply with laws. For instance, we collect seller place of establishment and bank account information for identity verification purposes.

These and other legal bases depending on the purpose for which we use personal information.

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Why do we have a privacy policy? (“we”) care about your privacy. Therefore, we always strive to protect your personal data in the best possible way and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations for the protection of personal data. In this policy, we want to inform you about how we collect and process your personal data in accordance with the EU regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) to guarantee an open and transparent processing of your personal data.

Who is responsible for your personal data?, no 91320481MA215T1W6Q, is responsible for the processing of your personal data. The following is’s contact information: Telephone number: +86 0519 87108958 Address: Room 504, No.85 Shangshang Road, Kunlun Street, Liyang City, Jiangsu Province, China, PR

What personal data do we process? process information about you when you use’s webpage by saving cookies on your computer. The personal data we process about you are your IP address, your preferences and your activities on our webpage. The cookies collecting information about use of our website collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website, which country the internet connection is from, which web browser and version is used and the title on the pages they visited. If you play a video on our webpage, YouTube might save cookies on your computer depending on your settings. Please review YouTube’s Privacy policy for further information. If you do not want YouTube to save cookies on your computer, do not play any videos on our webpage since YouTube operates these videos. When you accept cookies on your computer you will provide us with your information. If you do not want cookies to be saved on the computer, you can prevent this by not accepting cookies to be saved on your computer. Please note, that if you deny functional cookies the webpage will have limited function.

For what purpose do we process your personal data? 

We process your personal data to be able to offer a functional webpage. These functional cookies are essential for your use of the webpage’s features. We also process information about your activities on our webpage over time for non-advertising purposes such as improving the site functionality, the website experience and to improve the website. We also process your personal data to help us remember your preferences such as language or location to create a better experience when visiting the webpage. Who has access to your personal data.  As a starting point, your personal data will only be processed by Our IT suppliers might get access to the personal data and other information when developing and supporting our IT system. These IT supporters only process personal data on our behalf and never on their own behalf.

On what legal ground do we process your personal data? 

The legal ground for’s processing of your personal data by saving cookies on your computer is’s legitimate interest under, under article 6.1 (f) GDPR, to process your personal data in order allow you to navigate the site, use our features and for us to remember your preferences (functional and preference cookies). Analytic cookies are processed so that we can improve the webpage’s functionality and the website experience. You can always deny these cookies if you do not want us to save these on your computer.  

For how long will we process and store your personal data? 

Your personal data will be sorted out/erased according to the following: Functional cookies will be erased when the web browser is closed. Preference cookies will be erased after 100 days. Analytic cookies will be erased after two years.  

Transfer of personal data to third countries 

As a general principle, only processes your personal data within the EU/EEA. If your personal data would processed outside the EU/EEA, then we will make sure that such processing is either based on a decision from the Commission establishing that the country in question ensures an adequate level of protection or appropriate safeguards that ensure that your rights are protected or based on another ground for such transfer in accordance with GDPR.

Your rights 

Right to access to your personal data 

You are entitled to request information about which personal data we process about you and how the personal data is being processed. You also have the right to request a copy of the personal data we process about you.

Right to rectification

If you consider your personal data that process to be inaccurate, e.g. information concerning your name or address, you have the right to get the inaccurate information corrected and to get the incomplete information completed by providing us with the correct information.

Right to erasure

You have the right to request that your personal data is erased, e.g. if the processing is no longer relevant in relation to the purpose the information was collected for or if you recall your consent to the processing and there are no other legal ground for the process.

Right to limitation of processing

You have the right to request limitation of the processing of your personal data, with the exception for storage. Limitation of processing can be requested for example if you object to the accuracy of the personal data or if you consider the processing of your personal data to be unlawful.

Right to objection  

You have the right to object at any time concerning the processing of your personal data in accordance with article 6.1 (e) or (f) (legitimate interest) GDPR, including profiling based on those provisions. Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. 

Right to data portability 

You have the right to obtain the personal data you have provided us with in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have these transmitted to another controller, provided that the process is automatized and that the process is based on a consent or an agreement.  

Changes in this policy is entitled to amend this policy at any time if it is necessary to fulfill the requirements according to applicable laws and regulations or if it is necessary due to changes in operations.  In such a situation, will provide information concerning the changes according to applicable law. Applicable information will be available in this privacy policy, on the website of and/or provided in other appropriate ways.

Observance of GDPR

Do not hesitate to contact if you, for any reason, feel unhappy about our processing of your personal data. If you would still be of the opinion that your rights, according to GDPR, have not been satisfied you have the right to send a complaint to the regulatory authority. You will find more information concerning this on

Our contact details 

If you would like to contact us concerning our processing of your personal data or if you have questions concerning this privacy policy, you are welcome to contact us on Copyright (©) 2021